Hull Trinity House

Contact Us

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The Secretary: Mr. P. Shearsmith -  secretary [at] trinityhousehull [dot] org [dot] uk
Phone 01482 324956

The Corporation of The Hull Trinity House,
Trinity House Lane,

Master Warden: Capt. C.C.W Towne c/o The Secretary

Co-Warden: Capt. J.D. Robinson c/o The Secretary

Director of Pilotage: Capt J.D. Robinson F.N.I. c/o The Secretary

Chaplain: The Rev. Tony Cotson c/o The Secretary

Estates Manager: Mr. M. Plaxton c/o The secretary 01482 324746

Trinity House School 01482 326421

Trinity House Rest Homes, Warden, Mrs. C. Ellerby. 01482 351092 c/o The Secretary

Commercial Agent Mr. T. Penrose ( PPH Commercial) 01482 648888

Land Agent Mr. M. Caley ( R.R. Leonard & son) 01482 375212

Hull Museums 01482 613902

London Trinity House 020 7481 6900

Newcastle Trinity House 01912 328226